Travel in Spain


Hola amigos! Let’s dive into the vibrant world of Spain. With cultural festivals that will make your heart sing, world-class beaches that will leave you in awe, and nightlife that will keep you dancing until the sun comes up, Spain is a destination that never disappoints. Trust me, I could spend a lifetime exploring all its treasures.

From the lively streets of Madrid to the artistic wonders of Barcelona, the medieval charm of Girona to the buzzing energy of Bilbao, Spain is a vibrant tapestry of experiences. And let’s not forget about the incredible landscapes that await you. Fancy hitting the slopes in the Sierra Nevada? How about wandering through the enchanting vineyards of Rioja? Or perhaps soaking up the sun in the beautiful Canary Islands? The options are endless!

But wait, there’s more! Party animals, rejoice! Ibiza is calling your name, ready to deliver nights of pure bliss. And if you’re craving some beach time, Mallorca’s stunning shores will be your paradise.








In my humble opinion, September to November is the sweet spot for exploring Spain. Why, you ask? Well, let me enlighten you. First off, there are fewer crowds, meaning you can bask in the beauty of Spain without feeling like you’re swimming in a sea of tourists. The weather? Oh, it’s simply marvelous—still warm and delightful, but with a pleasant hint of coolness in the air. And here’s a secret: it’s wine harvest time! So, if you’re a wine enthusiast like me, make a beeline for Rioja and Ribera for some of the most delectable wine tastings Spain has to offer.

Now, let’s talk about the summer months, from June to August. Ah, yes, it’s the peak season, and for good reason. The sun is shining, the beaches are calling, and Spain’s endlessly long coastline are simply begging to be explored. It’s the perfect time for lazy beach days and endless travel adventures. However, do keep in mind that this is when prices tend to soar. But hey, if you’re willing to splurge a bit, the summer in Spain is a dream come true.

Now, let me share a little secret with you savvy travelers. If you’re looking to save a few bucks, January through April is your ticket to affordable accommodation prices. So, if budget-friendly travel is your jam, consider planning your Spanish escapade during these months.


Language: When it comes to speaking the lingo in Spain, it’s all about Spanish!

Currency: We’re talking Euros, people! That’s the name of the game when it comes to cash in Spain.

Credit Cards and ATMs: Finding an ATM in Spain is a breeze. Just don’t wander too far off the beaten path, and you’ll be able to swipe that card or grab some cash. Mastercard and Visa are widely accepted at shops and restaurants.

Plugs: Ready to plug into Spain’s electric vibes? Make sure you pack those Type C and F plugs. Voltage is set at 230 V, and the frequency is 50Hz. Don’t forget your universal adapter (with surge protection, of course) for all your charging needs.

Safety: Spain is like a cozy blanket of security. It’s one of the safest countries in Europe, so you can stroll those sunny streets with peace of mind. Just keep your wits about you in crowded tourist hotspots and metros—pickpockets might try to pull a fast one.